Robert pattinson harry potter movie
Robert pattinson harry potter movie

When Pattinson just knew Washington's drink order? Sold! Finally, Pattinson admitted he had no fucking clue either! I would argue that his performance deserves credit for just how hard he sold the idea that he knew exactly what he was saying and why he was saying it. But, for a little while, I thought maybe it was just me who couldn’t figure it out. It’s like…the future has declared war on the past, and they’re tossing stuff backwards, including a bullet flying through Kiev that, upon discovery, sends John David Washington to Mumbai (?) to do bungee jumping (?) and meet up with Pattinson, and then they’re like, "Maybe we, like that stuff getting tossed backwards in time, should go back and stop WWII before it happens." Also, apparently it's about climate change. Was something happening in Tenet? The budget and director Christopher Nolan’s involvement, plus the amount of coverage- including our own-makes me think that something was absolutely happening. Listen, I have no clue what was happening in Tenet. Chris Nashawaty 18) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) The best that can be said about the well-timed Little Ashes is that it probably hipped a bunch of mall-kids to three important artists. Despite some too tame sexual tension between Pattinson and Beltran, it’s pretty thin and unremarkable. Either way, as the infamous Spanish surrealist, Pattinson is one leg of a three-legged biopic stool about Dali, filmmaker Luis Bunuel (Matthew McNulty), and writer Federico Garcia Lorca (Javier Beltran) in 1920’s Madrid. It’s interesting to speculate how his career would have played out had he stuck to films like this one and passed on the shimmery vampire movie.

robert pattinson harry potter movie robert pattinson harry potter movie

In which Pattinson plays… Salvador Dali?! That’s right, this arthouse curio released hard on heels of the first Twilight (to cash in on the newly minted star’s overnight marquee value) was early proof that Pattinson was at least as interested in indie cred as he was in becoming a global teen-steam heartthrob.

Robert pattinson harry potter movie